Thankful for Indoor Plumbing

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I would like to share that I am thankful for indoor plumbing. I’m fairly certain we don’t give much thought to this modern marvel. We can stumble sleepily into the bathroom in the middle of the night, do our business and within a few steps, we are back in our cozy beds drifting off to dreamland.

Nowadays, we can have toilets that sense when we are approaching and they will do a pre-flush, lift the lid and warm the seat all before we can get our pants down. (Lookin’ at you Toto toilets) Toilets now have bidets built in and you can even program them depending on who’s using it.

Having spent some long trips on the road recently, having to be much less sophisticated, learning the proper way to dig a cathole and dispose of my waste, indoor plumbing is quite luxurious not to mention the modern day sewer systems as well. We don’t have to deal with our waste. We simply go, flush and go on with our day.

I spend a good portion of each of my mornings in my bathroom comfortably taking care of my business as well as all things social media for myself and my clients. This portion of my morning routine has affectionately been named poop n’ post on my time blocked schedule.

Remember to be kind to your indoor plumbing this holiday season. It does a lot of hard work. Wishing you and yours a wonderful Thanksgiving!


A Few of My Favorite Things


Bathroom Horror Stories (cause it’s October!)