Epic Views While You Know

A couple posts back I covered my view from the loo, my daily view from my bathroom in my home. As some of you know, camping, overlanding, adventuring and exploring is something my boyfriend and I really leaned into and picked up during the pandemic. Now, we’ve gone camping long before that with our popup trailer at our favorite local spot. And ever since Aaron discovered Expedition Overland, our thoughts about the possibility of what is camping and adventuring have greatly expanded.

One question we get all the time from family and friends is how do you take care of business when you are in remote places. Well, we go as nature intended. I won’t get into the specifics of catholes and how far away from water you need to be, how deep it should be dug and so on, but a quick internet find I will share…

First, what is a cathole?

It’s a hole you dig in the ground to do your business when you’re out in the wilderness with no toilets available.

Second, where does the name cathole originate from?

Some say it is derived from the medical world when med students needed a stealthy way to bury the remains of cats they used for anatomical studies.

Who knows if this is true; it is fun internet fodder though. I digress…

Back to the matter at hand - pooping in the woods and other remote locations.

While the matter itself can sometimes be tricky, cold and well, exposing, when I get to do it with epic views totally worth it. Hands down the best wilderness experience I had was overlooking the north rim of the Grand Canyon. You can’t be upset about that.

Sun was coming up, the air temp was comfortable, the ground wasn’t hard, no one else was around, the expanse of the Grand Canyon literally in front of me, nothing to obstruct my view…ahhhh epic.

Have you ever experienced an epic view while you know? Please share.


Invest in a Lapboard


My Bathroom Office